Bedlington Terrier

Bedlington Terrier
Terrier Group

Bedlington Terrier - General Information

Weight: 17-23 lbs

Height: male 16.5, female: 15.5 inches

Color(s): blue, sandy, and liver, each with or without tan points. Bedlington pups are born dark, and lighten to adult color by about one year of age.

Character: This well-balanced breed is mild and gentle, never shy or nervous. They have immense energy, courage, and endurance. The Bedlington Terrier is full of confidence, is spirited, and quite muscular. They have strong sporting instincts and also make an intelligent and amiable companion.
Temperament: Bedlington Terriers have an affectionate personality. They are cheerful, playful, lively, and loyal. This breed is deeply devoted to their family, and loving with considerate and well-behaved children. They will get along with cats and other animals they have been raised with, but will not tolerate dominating or threatening behavior. Despite their gentle appearance it is important to remember that the Bedlington Terrier is a terrier breed. If they are challenged they are ferocious and terrifying fighters. They are fairly friendly with strangers. They make excellent watchdogs as they are extremely protective of their family and will alert them to danger and visitors.

Care: This is a high maintenance breed. They require professional specialized clipping every six weeks. They must be brushed and combed on a daily basis. Bathing should only be done when absolutely necessary. The Bedlington Terrier is prone to a serious inherited liver problem known as Copper Storage Disease. They also have a tendency for such health issues as thyroid problems, cataracts, and kidney disease.

Training: The Bedlington Terrier can be independent, skittish, and quite difficult to train. They benefit from early socialization, particularly with cats and other pets. Intensive obedience training is crucial as this breed has a tendency to be destructive and bark excessively. They will not respond to harsh or heavy-handed training. The Bedlington Terrier thrives on human companionship and is trained best with firm, loving and consistent guidance. They excel in agility, obedience, and flyball.

Activity: Bedlington Terriers are an exceedingly active breed that requires a great deal of exercise and stimulation. They are fairly active indoors and benefit from family play sessions. They are excellent walking companions provided they are securely leashed. They enjoy outdoor play provided the yard is securely fenced and they are supervised. This breed is highly prone to digging. The Bedlington Terrier will do okay in an apartment if they are given sufficient exercise.